Port St. Lucie police say they have been made aware of several mail theft or tampering cases in recent weeks.

Although the suspects have not yet been identified, investigators do have some evidence to work with.

Two people were caught on camera tampering with a mailbox on SW Urbino Avenue in Port St. Lucie.

However, it turns out not to be the first time, because the same duo was also captured on video in front of other homes.

“I see two guys over there walking down Kenilworth (Street), they went to that mailbox and then they went straight to mine,” said Vanessa Varona, who showed CBS12 News surveillance footage of her mailbox apparently being tampered with. “Right after that they looked at it, raised the flag and walked on. It was pretty scary, I wasn’t going to lie.”

Varona says this happened on November 30.

There have been at least two other cases since then mail theft in the city.

One occurred in the Fairgreen Crossings community, where Port St. Lucie police say a thief stole a check worth more than $1,000.

The check was originally written for $1,300 and was cashed. They just drove up, got out and picked up the mail and left. It was so quick and so easy to do,” Lt. Keith Boham explained. “We don’t know if it was just luck of the draw for that person or if they knew a check was being delivered.”

Fortunately for Varona, she says nothing was stolen from her mailbox.

After hearing about the other incidents, she wanted to come forward and warn others.

“That hit me hard. I’m like, ‘I have to send them the video,’ because there has to be a connection somehow,” she told CBS12 News on Friday. “My heart started racing, I got really nervous. I could almost say I had an anxiety attack or panic attack. It was bad.”

Lt. Boham says investigators aren’t sure if the recent events are related.

What they do know is that reporting these crimes – even attempts to do so – will help investigators find the perpetrator.

“That one time you call us, you may think you are bothering us because it is not an emergency, but that one time residents call us could be the key to solving past crimes.” he confirmed.

The lieutenant is asking anyone who sees a check that has been tampered to immediately alert your bank and inform law enforcement if you see someone tampering with your mailbox.

He also advises everyone to check the mail often this holiday season and not to leave cash or checks (especially gifts) unattended in a mailbox for long periods of time.

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